
Filippo Puglia


©2018 by Filippo Puglia

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 >> SinagrArte 2024


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>> SinagrArte 2023


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sinagrarte 2024 locandina con artisti a3(1).jpeg

Salleo Palace

Via Umberto I, Sinagra (ME)

Opening event on Friday, August 9th at 7 pm



Guest speakers:


Filippo Puglia, Artistic Director 

Nino Musca, Mayor of the Municipality of Sinagra

Marzia Mancuso, Councilor for Culture of the Municipality of Sinagra

Guglielmo Lacava, Deputy Mayor of the Municipality of Sinagra

Enza Mola, President of the Pro Loco of Sinagra

Massimo Scaffidi, Journalist and artist 




SinagrArte, reaching this edition by collecting past legacies made of great passions and beautiful "visions". In fact, its first edition was in 1985 and that phase ended in 1991. Then the "rebirth" to make it a cultural reference point among the most significant for the entire Nebrodi area.
So after what can be considered a "number zero", here we are again.
This event not only celebrates art and culture but also represents a driving force for social and civil growth in our community. It is our hope that events like SinagrArte will continue to raise awareness and involve more and more people, promoting broad participation and appreciation for the artistic and cultural heritage of our territory.
A beautiful challenge made of Love, Commitment, Desire to do.
On the occasion of this edition of SinagrArte, I express my complete satisfaction for the great success with the audience and critics achieved last year. This result encourages us to continue on a path that we consider extremely valuable, aimed at the cultural and touristic enhancement of our municipality and the dissemination of culture at all levels.
A sincere thanks to all those who, with their commitment, contribute to the organization of an initiative of such a high cultural level, to the municipal administration that believed in this project, and to the local Pro Loco that supports and encourages it. But above all to the Artists who give meaning to the Event, they are its soul and strength.


Filippo Puglia Artistic Director




Alena Kalchanka

Alex Manera

Andrea Seminara

Antonino Gaglio

Balletta Lucia

Benedetta Luca

Catena Biagia Ballarino

Elisa Caputo

Elisa Callejera

Evelyn Piazza

Gabriele Mele

Giacinta Fazio

Giuseppe Pizzardi

Irene Urbino

Lella Raimondi

Loredana Castrovinci

Luigi Placa

Melina Tricoli

Michaela Pinto

Pasquale Marino

Peppe Rametta

Pina Sutera

Pippo Romeo

Riccardo Velluto

Roberto Antonazzo

Simona Scaffidi

Vittorio Ballato






Giuseppe Benenati

Nicola Chiaramonte

Renate Ofenwanger

Tamara Aiello




Domenico Orifici

Elisabetta Ternullo

Franco Fogliani

Ina Franchina

Lucia Russo

Nancy Calanna

Vera Rita Patané

Alessia Guarraci




Anna Parisi

Press Review





SINAGRARTE 2024: The photos, the artists, and the notes of those who organized the event


Gazzetta del Sud: SinagrArte 2024, in the village the taste for beauty returns. August 3, 2024


Scomunicando: Artwork delivery by July 28


 >> SinagrArte 2024


>> Vernissage


>> The Works and the Artists


>> The Poets


>> SinagrArte 2023


>> Vernissage 2023


>> The Exhibition 2023