
Filippo Puglia


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 >> SinagrArte 2024


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>> SinagrArte 2023


>> Opening 2023


>> The Exhibition 2023

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Salleo Palace

Via Umberto I, Sinagra (ME)

VernissageSaturday, August 5 at 19 



Filippo Puglia,Artistic Director

Nino Musca, Mayorof Sinagra

Marzia Mancuso,Councillor for Culture of the City of Sinagra

Guglielmo Lacava,Deputy Mayor of Sinagra

Enza Mola, President Pro Loco of Sinagra

Giovanni Pantano, Art Critic

Massimo Scaffidi, Journalist and artist




A decisive, precise choice, to re-knot knotsand plots, making experience and treasure of what has been done.

An event aimed at enhancing the art on theterritory.

It aims to provide a new overview to givemeaning to the efforts made in the past by those, at the time an innovator,with a group of friends, had believed that this event could have a future andabove all give new input to the art gallery of the municipality that wasintended to realize...

A dream that today regains strength and vigor.

Enhance in the sign of art the culturalactivities of the municipal administration and collect the legacy ofpredecessors who believed in this event.

Sinagrarte has deep roots in the history of ourcommunity.

It was founded many years ago by a group of artlovers who wanted to promote and enhance local artists. Over the years, theevent has played an important role in providing a platform for artisticexpression and creating opportunities for meeting artists, art lovers and thepublic and then there were neither social nor internet, everything becamedifficult, catalogues, artists, art galleries, cultural circles, art critics.

Despite the initial success, then everythinghad slipped into silence, but the spirit of the event had never subsided.

The legacy and value of the manifestationremained alive in the collective memory of the community.

With the arrival of a new municipaladministration, the desire was expressed to revive and Sinagrarte and exploitits potential to promote art and culture in the area.

Several important steps have been taken toachieve this.

First, a pool of operators was createddedicated to the planning and organization of the event.

This commission is composed of art experts,members of the municipal administration and representatives of the localcommunity. Their main role was to define the objectives of the event, planactivities and involve stakeholders.

Secondly, measures have been put in place toensure the necessary financial support for the organisation of the event.Partnerships have been established with cultural organisations.

Extensive promotion and communication work hasbeen carried out. A marketing strategy has been created to reach both local artenthusiasts and the wider public. Various communication channels were used,including social media, local press, and dedicated websites, to spreadinformation about the event and engage the public.

The revival of Sinagrarte represents animportant milestone for the promotion of art and culture in the area. Thanks tothe efforts made to enhance local art, give new input to the art gallery of themunicipality and collect the legacy of its predecessors, the event has thepotential to become a reference event for the community and attract visitorsfrom all over the territory.

The collaboration between the municipaladministration, the artists and the local community is fundamental for thecontinuous success of the event. It is important to maintain a long-termstrategic approach, ensuring effective management of resources and coherentprogramming of activities.

The Sinagrarte Event can play a crucial role inenriching the cultural and artistic fabric of the municipality, contributing tothe positive image of the community. It is with great enthusiasm that we lookto the future of this event, knowing that it can continue to inspire andinvolve artists and the public, carrying on the passion and dedication of itsfounders and supporters.

Obviously the thought and dedication, but it isnot of circumstance, goes to Nunzio Mancuso who had always believed in thisevent.

Assessore Marzia Mancuso


Historical artists of SinagrArte: 

Jean Calogero

Antonino Mancuso Fuoco

Pasquale Marino

Massimo Scaffidi




Marco Mammana

Salvatore Barbagallo

Orazio Cangemi

Pippo Romeo

Nunzio Papotto

Vito Natoli

Salvatrice Barberi

Carmen Curcuruto

Simona Scaffidi

Elisa Caputo

Vittorio Ballato

Stella Maris Natoli

Andrea Seminara

Stefania Magistri

Laura Marchese

Anna Parisi

Loredana Castrocinci

Orazio Crinò

Evelyn Piazza

Peppe Rametta

Angela Oddo

Nella Parisi

Luigi Placa

Giuseppe Pizzardi

Emilio Isgrò

Gabriele Salvo

Filippo Puglia

Maria Zaccone

Maria Torre

Daniela Gitto

Nunzia Giaimis

Cristina Recupero

Laura Costantino

Sergio Lupo

Vincenzo Occello



Danilo Rizzi

Giuseppe Benenati

Gianfranco Sessa

Filippo Olivo

Tamara Aiello

Nicola Chiaramonte




Vito Natoli

Barbara Spampinato

Domenico Orifici

Elisabetta Ternullo

Lucia Russo

Nancy Calanna

Vera Rita Patané

Alessia Guarraci

Press release



Scomunicando: Il commento del critico Giovanni Pantano


Scomunicando: Le considerazione del direttore artistico Filippo Puglia


Scomunicando: SinagrArte 2023, un successo già annunciato


Scomunicando: SinagrArte, la ripartenza


Salvo Pizz: Il Palazzo Salleo ospita il SinagrArte 2023


Nebrodi 24: SinagrArte, collettiva di arte contemporanea al Palazzo Salleo di Sinagra


Gazzetta del Sud del 1 agosto 2023: SinagrArte, in mostra opere da tutta la Sicilia


Gioiosatoday: SinagrArte 2023 curato dal direttore artistico Filippo Puglia


98Zero: SinagrArte 2023


 >> SinagrArte 2024


>> Opening


>> The Works and the Artists


>> SinagrArte 2023


>> Opening 2023


>> The Exhibition 2023