Filippo Puglia
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The pictorial path that I have undertakenpasses through the research and study of some fundamental elements for mygrowth. In my view, man needs to look for the beauty within himself before hecan take it out. The object elements of my study therefore concern beauty,opposites, the subconscious and perception. Here is a synthesis of my research.
The concept of beauty according to the ancientGreeks was a set of grace, measure, proportion, balance, symmetry and harmony,in a word cosmos.
The model par excellence with which the Greeksidentified and represented beauty was the athlete, whose physical and moralvirtues were recognizable.
So beauty is the quality of what looksbeautiful to the senses and soul.
According to Socrates, beauty is useful, thatis, beauty is not associated with the appearance of an object, but with whatthis responds to a function, so it has a practical character.
According to Plato, in his theory of ideas,beauty is beautiful if it participates in the idea of beauty. Therefore, beautyis a solicitation that allows the sensitive to be joined with the intelligible.The good as the supreme idea is shown as beautiful in sensitive relationshipsof proportion, order and harmony.
According to Aristotle, a thing is beautifulwhen it fully realizes its purpose, which coincides with the form.
Nietzsche argues that beauty is a promise ofhappiness in which, in its intrinsic nature, there is the opposite, namelyevil, pain and suffering.
For Kant, on the other hand, beauty is whatpleases without concept, therefore "the object of a pure aestheticjudgment".
According to Kant, therefore, beauty ismanifested through a pleasure, but distinguishes pleasure from pleasant.Pleasant is what tickles the senses, while pleasure, being deeper, involves ourjudgment.
Beauty comes from the word cosmos, which fromancient Greek means ordered or harmonious. Kòsmos, which indicates the orderthat regulates the universe, is the opposite concept to chaos, that is, theprevious phase.
After understanding the concept of beauty,through the thought of some philosophers, we can analyze in general, what arethe opposites.
Opposites are concepts or elements that opposeor oppose each other. They can be considered as polarity or duality in variousaspects of life.
Opposites are found in nature, in thoughts, inemotions, in the personal characteristics of each individual and in ideologies.Research on opposites can help to understand the dynamics of life and develop amore complete vision of the world.
Opposites can be researched in various fieldssuch as philosophy, psychology, sociology, biology, physics, mathematics,geometry etc.
In philosophy, research on opposites can helpto understand the dynamics of thought, reality and existence. The concepts inwhich philosophy is concentrated concern dualism, dialectics, nihilism andcontradiction. In Chinese philosophy, the concept of yin and yang representstwo complementary and interdependent forces found in every aspect of theuniverse. This approach suggests that opposites are necessary to maintainbalance and harmony.
In psychology, opposites concern differentaspects of the human mind and behavior. Opposites are therefore found in theindividual’s personality, emotions, behavior, cognitive sphere and mentalhealth. In psychology, therefore, this research can provide a morecomprehensive perspective on the complexity of the human mind.
In sociology, research on opposites concernsaspects of social dynamics and human relations, providing a criticalperspective on power relationships and inequalities.
In biology it concerns the aspects of life andliving organisms, providing a scientific knowledge of biological principles andhow to apply them in fields such as medicine, agriculture and environmentalconservation.
In physics, opposites concern different aspectsof physical laws and phenomena, from electric charges to magnetism andthermodynamics. Research, therefore, can contribute to the understanding of thefundamental laws of the universe and the physical phenomena that govern them.
In mathematics they refer to two numbers thathave the same absolute value but opposite sign.
In geometry, opposites refer to two points,segments or figures that are in opposite positions to a reference point orline. A concept used in symmetry and in the construction of geometric figures.
The concept of the subconscious refers to apart of the human mind that operates below the level of conscious awareness. Itis a sphere of thoughts, emotions, desires and memories that affect individualbehavior and experience. The term subconscious was introduced by Sigmund Freud,the founder of psychoanalysis. According to Freud, the subconscious is a partof the mind that contains repressed desires, impulses and memories that havebeen removed from consciousness because of their emotionally charged or unacceptablecontent. These subconscious contents can emerge through dreams, missing acts orpsychological symptoms.
According to other subject theorists, thesubconscious plays an important role in decision-making, learning and habitformation. In any case it is a constantly evolving concept.
In conclusion, the subconscious is a part ofthe mind that operates below the level of conscious awareness and that affectsindividual behavior and experience.
Perception is the process by which humans andanimals interpret and give meaning to sensory information from theirsurroundings. It is how we perceive, recognize and interpret sensory stimulisuch as sounds, smells, tastes, images and tactile sensations. Perceptioninvolves the processing of sensory information by the brain, which organizesand interprets it consistently. This process is influenced by factors such asattention, memory, expectations and past experiences.