
Filippo Puglia



©2018 by Filippo Puglia

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FilippoPuglia was born in 1973 in the small seaside village of San Giorgio di GioiosaMarea, on the Tyrrhenian coast of the province of Messina. After completing histechnical studies for Geometri, for whom he also obtained a qualification topractice the profession, he attended the University of Palermo in the Facultyof Architecture. Freelance, he mainly deals with Design, Scenography andPhotography. He is an author and writes about art and culture on his blog(filippopuglia.blogspot.it, currently closed for a makeover), collaborates withthe local newspaper of Telepattiweb, He also collaborated with the newspapersof Incammino, Quadrifoglionews and with the national sports head ofFootbalnews24. She loves photography, through which she tells her stories, fromlandscapes to architecture, from archaeology to social life. He hasparticipated in several group exhibitions and competitions, both national andinternational, obtaining awards. 


Filippo has beenfascinated by art and architecture since he was a child. During his youth, heneglected his passion for art, to devote more attention to studies and theater.After the early death of his father, he abandoned his studies and began to learnother professions and to obtain certificates of professional qualification. Inhis old age he devoted more frequently to art and painting, to tell the worldaround him through writing, painting, photography and theater. 





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In order to facilitatethe calculation of the artistic value of a work of art, parameters are definedthrough coefficients that must be multiplied to the size of the work,quantitative variant, and processed according to the qualitative variations,such as the reputation of the artist, the historical and artistic interest ofthe work, the quality of the product and the material used, the commitment anddifficulty of realization, specialized publications, collective and personalexhibitions, awards and awards, and the auction value.

It is therefore through the interpretation ofmany variables and criteria, assigned the rating coefficient that is not anabsolute value but conventionally recognized within the artistic panorama withthe aim of orienting Buyers, Collectors, Investors, on the value and goodnessof the Artistic Curriculum of a contemporary artist.

We proceed today to update the coefficient ofevaluation of the Artist’s works


on the basis of the new group and personalexhibitions, in the Art Rooms and awards, publications and new productions asattached and documented by the artist, which add to his artistic career anational value of high thickness and undisputed value.

With his Art, FILIPPO PUGLIA confirms to possessa huge wealth of artistic spirituality, unity to a deep professionalism, whichtransmits to all of us through his continuous production of works of art,always with intense research of the subjects represented and in-depth study ofthe working materials, and their chromatic contents.

FILIPPO PUGLIA artist born in 1973, in a seasidetown in the province of Messina, dealing with design, scenography andphotography, telling through his passions, involving social life and humanity.He gets for his commitment multiple satisfactions, resulting in Awards andCertificates of Merit.

In his career he collaborates with newspapers ofhis region, but since he was a child he has always been fascinated by art andpainting, which he develops with his natural talent that combined with strengthand vitality character, realize his personal language ARTISTIC.

The final result of one of his works exalts theability of the sign and the chromatic sense, reaching to realizerepresentations that conquer observers and audiences of every generation andorigin.

The Cultural Association VARAGGIO ART throughits President Dott.Luigi Cerruti releases to the Artist FILIPPO PUGLIA anevaluation coefficient elaborated through the analysis of numerous qualitativeand quantitative variables and taken into account throughout his artistic pathand documented in annex.





Certificate of Economic Evaluation

Angelo Crespi, artcritic

"Taking intoaccount the number and type of personal exhibitions; the number ofparticipations in collective exhibitions; the curatorship and the number andprestige of exhibitors in each individual event; the participation inexhibitions-market promoted by organizations; technical and aesthetic skillsdemonstrated; museum acquisitions of a private type; publications; reviews; theextent of feedback in the web and traditional press;

the coefficient (2,9) isdetermined

to quote the Artist andcalculate the value or price of each of his works. (2020)" 


2021 - Coste in movimento, Osservatorio Paesaggi CostieriItaliani Legambiente, Lecce

2020Exibart Street, Leica, Web

2014 - Itinerarte, Santa Lucia delMela (Me)

2014 - Patti e Dintorni, Comune di Patti, Villa Umberto I, Patti (Me)  “5 scatti per Policne”

2013 -GuardiAmo 2, tra passato e presente, 

Comitato RadiciGioiosaMarea(Me)

2013 - GuardiAmo 2, tra passato e presente, Comitato Radici, San Giorgio di Gioiosa Marea (Me)

2013 - 5 Scatti per il Rock e Robinson, Patti (Me) 

Decadentismo, tra tecnologia e sapere"

2012 - GuardiAmo, ComitatoRadici, Gioiosa Marea (Me)

2012 - GuardiAmo, ComitatoRadici, Brolo (Me)

2012 - GuardiAmo, Comitato RadiciPatti(Me)

2012 - GuardiAmo, ComitatoRadici,

San Giorgio di Gioiosa Marea (Me)



2023 – Artisti a confronto, AssociazioneCulturale Varaggio Art, sala degli artisti, Varazze, Savona

2023 – SinagrArte, collectivecontemporary art,

PalazzoSalleo, Sinagra, Messina

2023 – La donna dalmedioevo a oggi, Palazzo Baratta,

Patti(Consorzio Tindari – Nebrodi)

2023 – Libere tematiche d’Arte, GAM

(Galleriad’Arte Moderna), Catania

2022 – Un volo…d’Autore – I pittori dellaCarvana, Catania

2022 – Ottobre si veste di Giallo VI edizione –

Salotto Letterario itinerante, Sinagra (Pro Loco)

2022 – Le Notturne del… 50° - Mostraartistica di… Artisti vari, Milazzo,Messina – Temporary Art Gallery by FrancescoNicolò

2022 – SinagrArt, Palazzo Salleo, Sinagra,Messina

(FilArt, Pro Loco e Comune di Sinagra)

2022 – L’Arte si Mostra, Palazzo Ferrajoli,Roma (Ed. Pagine)

2022 – Maestri a Milano, Teatro Manzoni, Milano(ArtNow)

2021 - Festival Cultura Identità, CasaleMonferrato

(ArtNow e CulturaIdentità)

2021 - Vita Nova, Palazzo Borghese, Firenze(ArtNow)

2021 - Roma ArtExpo, Palazzo Velli, Roma (ArtNow)

2021 - Art Bestseller, Museo Bellini, Firenze

(Galleria Il Collezionista)

2021 - Roma ArtExpo, Sala Fellini di Roma Eventi,Piazza di Spagna, Roma (ArtNow)

2020 - Art Aperitif,Trecastagni (CT)

(100 thousand Poets for Change)

2020 -  In Rosso,Associazione Culturale Narda Martinez Pittrice, Virtuale

2020 - 100 thousandPoets for Change, Urban Center, Siracusa

2020 - Città di NewYork - Galleria White Space Chelsea,

New York (ArtNow)

2019 - BudapestArtExpo - Galleria Pintér, Budapest (ArtNow)

2019 - Mantova Artexpo - Museo Diocesano FrancescoGonzaga,

 Mantova (ArtNow)

2019 - Eccellenza Europea delle Arti - PalazzoVelli, Roma

(Effetto Arte)

2019 - Eccellenza Europea delle Arti - PalazzoGomis, sede della MEAM (Museo Arte Moderna), Barcellona (EffettoArte)

2019 - Eccellenza Europea delle Arti - GalleriaThuillier,

Parigi (Effetto Arte)

2018 - Biennale delle Fiandre - Oud Sint JanMuseum,

Bruges (Effetto Arte)

2018 - Venezia ArtExpo - Scuola grande dellaMisericordia,

Venezia (Effetto Arte)



2023 – Subconscio: visioni dall’Io, MuseoLeonardiano, Vinci (FI)

2022 – Emozioni tra forme e colori, Circolo Roma,Gioiosa Marea (ME)

2022 – Personale di Pittura, Arte dal Mondo,

Associazione Culturale Varaggio Art (Web)

2019 – San Giorgio in Festival, AssociazioneCommercianti, via Anna Rita Sidoti, San Giorgio di Gioiosa Marea (Me).



Icolori di Piraino, acrylic on canvas, 50 x 70, 2019 

(ExtemporaneousPrize of Piraino Painting on Canvas, 3 ranked. Piraino, Messina, 2019) Inpermanent exhibition in the gallery of the circle Anspi "Giorgio LaPira" of Piraino. 



Il Canto dell'Amore, oil on the table, 60 x 40, 2023

 (Private Collection Currò - Di Stefano)

L'Onda del Cuore, oil on the table, 40 x 80, 2023

 (PrivateCollection Puglia)

Miro e la Venere degli animali, oil on the table, 40 x 60, 2020 (Private Collection Proto)

Origine della Vitaoil on canvas, 40 x 40, 2021

(Private Collection Cutugno)

Passi di passioneoil on cardboard canvas, 35 x 50, 2020 

(Private collectionCicirello)

Occhi dell’amore, oilon cardboard canvas, 35 x 50, 2017

(Private Collection DiCataldo)



Il Volo diLeonardo, oil on the table, 60 x 40, 2023

 (Palazzodel Comune di Vinci, Firenze)

Madonna del Soccorso, oilon the table, 30x30, 2021

(International Museum ofthe Crucifix "Mons. Calogero Peri, Sanctuaryof the SS Crocifisso del Soccorso, Caltagirone, Catania)

I Colori di Piraino, acrylic on canvas, 50x70,2019. 

(Giorgio La Pira Gallery, Fiumara di Piraino, Messina) 



Arte Viva on display on theWeb

Buio nell'anima, oil on canvas, 50x70, 2018 - ArteViva in mostra, web

Incolta sapienza, oil on canvas, 50x70, 2018 - ArteViva in mostra, web

Incomprensione Umana, oil on canvas, 50x70, 2019 -Arte Viva in mostra, web

Istinto Femminile, oil on canvas, 50x70, 2018 - ArteViva in mostra, web

Percorsi, oil on canvas, 60x80, 2020 - Arte Viva inmostra, web

Pregiudizio, oil on canvas, 50x70, 2019 - Arte Viva inmostra, web

Vite Violate, oil on canvas, 50x70, 2018 - Arte Vivain mostra, web

Rinunciazione, oil on canvas, 60x80, 2021 - Arte Vivain mostra, web

 GigArte on display on theWeb

Vite Violate, oilon canvas, 50x70, 2018 - GigArte, web

Amore per gli Animali, oilon canvas, 40x50, 2017 - GigArte, web

L'Egizio, mixedmedia on cardboard, 30x40, 2017 - GigArte, web

Incolta Sapienza,oil on canvas, 50x70, 2018 - GigArte, web

Istinto Femminile, oilon canvas, 50x70, 2018 - GigArte, web

Feeling Black,oil on canvas, 50x50, 2019 - GigArte, web

Amore di madre uccide séstessa, mixedmedia canvas, 30x40, 2016 - GigArte, web

LR, oil on cardboard,70x50, 2018 - GigArte, web

Monica Bellucci, oilon canvas, 40x50, 2021 - GigArte, web

Massimo Luca, oilon canvas, 70x50, 2019 - GigArte, web

Angelina Jolie,oil on canvas, 40x50, 2020 - GigArte, web 



I Gradini della storia, GigArte sul web

Alice e la porta della storia, GigArte sul web

San Vito, GigArte sul web

Porta San Michele, GigArte sul web

Gioiosa Guardia, la città fantasma, 4 photos on permanent display at Hotel Capo Skino,Gioiosa Marea (ME)

Shooting moments, Palazzo Comunale di Santa Lucia delMela, piazza Duomo 1, Santa Lucia del Mela (ME)

Views of the village, Palazzo Comunale di Santa Lucia delMela, piazza Duomo 1, Santa Lucia del Mela (ME) 



2022 - Barcelona CityInternational Award, artnow Gallery

2022 - Contemporary ArtistsAward at the Carrousel du Louvre, Artnow and Effetto Arte

2022 - International MastersAward in Milan, artnow Gallery

2021 - Dante AlighieriInternational Prize, Artnow and Culture Identity

2021 - MichelangeloInternational Prize, artnow

2021 - Diploma of Merit ArtBestseller, Galleria Il Collezionista, Rome

2020 - Certificate ofParticipation

100 thousand Poets for Change- World Poetry&Arts Event

2020 - New York CityInternational Award, Art Now,

New York

2019 - Certificate LuxembourgArt Prize

2019 - 3 years. ExtemporaneousPrize Piraino on canvas,

Piraino (Messina)

2019 - Budapest CityInternational Award,

Artnow, Budapest

2018 - René MagritteInternational Award, artnow, Bruges

2018 - European Excellence ofArts, Art Effect, Paris

2018 - International Art Award Palermo,

Palermo Capital of Culture 2018, Palermo

2018 - Cristoforo Colombo International Award,

Effetto Arte, Genoa, Italy

2018 - Dogi Prize,Effetto Arte, Venice 



2018 L'Egizio, mixed media on canvas, 40 x 30, 2017

2018 Amore per gli Animali, oil on canvas, 40 x 50, 2017



2022 - Competition Allat sea, Observatory ItalianCoastal Landscapes, Legambiente

2021 - Sony WorldPhotography Awards,

World PhotographyOrganisation

2021 - Art PhotographyAwards 2021, Lens Culture

2021 - Italian CoastalLandscapes Competition,

Observatory ItalianCoastal Landscapes Italiani, Legambiente(finalist)

2020 - Black & WhitePhotography Awards 2020, Lens Culture

2020 - Leica, Leica Competition

2020 - Mare Nostrum Mediterranean competition,

Ass. Culturale Accademia Euromediterranea delle Arti,

Messina - (1 has been classified)

2014 - Patti andSurroundings Competition, Villa Umberto I, Patti Municipality, Patti (ME) - (3 year. Classified)

2014 - A Shot for Gioiosa, Comune di Gioiosa Marea,

Gioiosa Marea (ME) - (2 Ranked)

2012 - Memorial Maestro Angelo Accordino, Proloco SanGiorgio, San Giorgio diGioiosa Marea (ME) - (Special jury prize).



2020 - Mare Nostrum Mediterraneo - 1 classified.

2014 - Pacts and surroundings - 3 ranked

2014 - A Shot for Gioiosa - 2 ranked.

2012 - Memorial Maestro AngeloAccordino -

Special jury award. 



2023 -SinagrArte, Palazzo Salleo, Sinagra (Me)

2022 – SinagrArt, PalazzoSalleo, Sinagra (Me)



2020 - Poetrycompetition finalist announced by Aletti Editore

The Tiburtino with thepoem "The powerful";

2020 - Poetrycompetition finalist announced by Aletti Editore,

Habere Artem, with thepoem "The next, your brother";

2016 - Receives thepoetry prize Alda Merini and enters

in the Anthology"In the name of Alda" with the poem "Infinite faces".

2015 - participates inthe poetry competition Alda Merini

entering the Anthology"Alda nel cuore" with the poem "The islands of the wind".



2022 - Seascape magazine,Osservatorio Paesaggi Costieri Italiani, Primiceri publisher

2022 - artnow magazine, July/August 2022, issue IV,year V, Artnow and.

2022 - Catalogue L'Artesi Mostra, ed. Pages

2022 - artnow magazine, March/April 2022, issue II,year V, Artnow and.

2021 - M'illumino d'arte, Pages publisher

2021 - artnow magazine, November/December 2021, issueVI, year IV, artnow ed.

2021 - artnow magazine, May/June 2021, issue III, yearIV, Artnow and.

2021 - artnow magazine, March/April 2021, issue II,year IV, Artnow and.

2021 - Art Bestseller, Ass. International Gallery TheCollector

2020 - Art Leader, investment guide, curated by AngeloCrespi, Artnow and.

2020 - New York City International Prize Catalogue, Artnow and.

2020 - Pages of Art and Poetry, Accademia dei Bronzi, Ursini editore

2020 - Il Tiburtino,Aletti Editore

2020 - Habere Artem, Aletti Publisher

2019 - Budapest artexpo catalogue, Art Effect

2019 - Mantova artexpocatalogue, Art Effect

2019 - CatalogoEccellenza Europea delle arti, Effetto Arte

2018 - Venezia Art Expocatalogue, Effetto Arte

2018 - Christopher Columbus catalogue,

curated by Sandro Serradifalco, Effetto Arte

2018 - Effetto Arte Collection, directed by Paolo Levi

2016 - Anthology, In the name of Alda, Ursinipublisher

2015 - Anthology, Aldanel cuore, Ursini Editore


2020 Cubic, contemporaryart, youcanprint;

2018 Architecture serieson display: Palatine Chapel ed. illustrata, youcanprint, photography;

2018 Architecture serieson display: Castello della Zisa, ed. illustrata, youcanprint, photography;

2018 Andy Warhol,collage of an artist, youcanprint;

2015 Tindarys, ebook

2014 Il Murgo Furioso,my book (finalist for theLiterary Prize "Il Murgo Gioiosano") ;

2013 Joyful Guard, theghost town, my book, photography;

2008 Treatise "Themarbles and the painting", for the college of

Surveyors of Messina.



2015 - Festival Pub Italia, music festival conceived byFranco Arcoraci, artistic director Giusy Venuti, press office Anita Madaluni,with Marcos Vinicius, Awana Gana, Massimo Luca, Massimo Di Cataldo, Ugo Mazzei,Gino Accardo, Rocco Barbaro, Francesco Scimemi, Franco Fasano, Joe Amoruso andmany others. Palacultura Antonello, Messina;

2004 - Novecento by Alessandro Baricco, directed byStefano Molica with Camillo Grassi, Tindari’s Greco-Roman theatre, Patti,Messina, 2004;

1998 - Nigra Sum, la regina e i santi neri, directed byWalter Manfrè, with Maurizio Marchetti, Paolo La Bruna, Claudio Russo,Antonella Giardinieri, Italo Zeus, Stefano Molica. Greek-Roman theatre ofTindari, Patti, Messina, 1998. 


2023 - Re-enactment ofthe Nativity,

XVII Nativity Scene, San Giorgio di Gioiosa Marea,Messina

2023 - Here is Homo,Assotea, Gioiosa Marea

2023 - In memory of theMaster, Pro Loco San Giorgio, Gioiosa Marea, Messina

2014 - The voices of thetrap, between songs and rites -

Gruppo Culturale L'Alternativa - with Francesco Natoliand Stefano La Rosa

2013 - The songs of anAngel - Gruppo Culturale L'Alternativa - Director, artisticdirector and presenter

2013 - I don’t pay youby Eduardo De Filippo - Tespi’s cart - Actor: the Priest

2012 - In memory of theMaestro - Gruppo Culturale L'Alternativa - with Laura Mollica andGiuseppe Greco - Director, artistic direction and presenter

2012 - The Turks - TheChariot of Thespis - Actor: the doctor

2007 - The voices of thetrap - Cultural Group The alternative - Actor: the fisherman

1998 - Nigra Sum, theQueen and the Black Saints - New Proposals - Actor

1998 - Historia, TheStones tell -

Gruppo Culturale L'Alternativa - Actor: Priest andFisherman

1997 - The Art of Giufà,Martoglio - Cultural Group

The Alternative - Actor:The Famous Actor

1996 - La fortuna con la F maiuscola, by Eduardo DeFilippo - The Alternative CulturalGroup - Actor: The Lover

1992 - Fiat Voluntas Dei, Company Filodrammatica Pattese- Actor: the Vigil

Reenactment of theNativity, Nativity scene -

Cultural Group L'Alternativa -

1979, 1981, 1983, 1985, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1993,1995, 1997, 1999, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2016, 2018 - 2023

1983 - Le Voci, Gruppo Culturale L'Alternativa - Actor:the fisherman




Amore di madre uccide sé stessa, mixed media on canvas,30 x 40, 2016

(International Prize Cristoforo Colombo, Genova 2018 -Art Prize Palermo, Palermo 2018 - Personal Painting Exhibition "Emozionitra forme e colori, Circolo Roma, Gioiosa Marea, Messina - GigArte - Paintingpersonal Exhibition "Subconscio: Visioni dall'Io, Museo Leonardiano diVinci, Florence 2023)

Uomo o donna, mixed media on canvas, 30 x 40, 2016

(Dantebus Competition - Painting Personal Exhibition"Subconscio: Visioni dall'Io, Museo Leonardiano di Vinci, Florence 2023)

Pensiero nella mente mixed media on canvas cardboard, 30x 40, 2016

L'Egizio, mixed media on canvas, 30 x 40, 2017

(Sgarbi Collection - GigArte - Painting PersonalExhibition "Subconscio: Visioni dall'Io, Museo Leonardiano di Vinci,Florence 2023)

Le facce della vita, mixed media on canvas, 30 x 40, 2017

(Venezia artexpo, Biennale delle Nazioni, 16 - 19 March2018 - Published on the volume Pagine di Arte e Poesia 2020, Accademia deiBronzi, Ursini - Personal Exhibition "Subconscio: Visioni dall'Io, MuseoLeonardiano di Vinci, Firenze 2023)

Serenità, mixed media on canvas, 35 x 50, 2017;

Amore per gli Animali, oil on canvas, 40 x 50, 2017

(Sgarbi Collection - Contest in Rosso, Ass. NardaMartinez Pittrice, 2020 - Painting Personal Exhibition "Emozioni tra formee colori, Circolo Roma, Gioiosa Marea, Messina - GigArte - Painting PersonalExhibition "Subconscio: Visioni dall'Io, Museo Leonardiano di Vinci,Firenze 2023 - Libere tematiche d'arte, I pittori della Carvana, G.A.M. di Catania2023)

Buio nell'anima, oil oncanvas, 50 x 70, 2018

(collectible artist andcritical text dr. Rebuzzi - PaintingPersonal Exhibition "Emozioni tra forme e colori", Circolo Roma,Gioiosa Marea, Messina - Arte Viva in mostra - Ottobre si veste di giallo,Sinagra 2022 - Painting Personal Exhibition "Subconscio: Visioni dall'Io,Museo Leonardiano di Vinci, Florence 2023)

Vite Violate, oil oncanvas, 50 x 70, 2018

(Art Pize Palermo 2018 - Magritte Prize - Biennale delleFiandre, Bruges, 2018, Mantova artexpo, 2019- Publication M'illumino d'arte,Pagine ed. - Publication rivista artnow marzo/aprile 2022 - GigArte - Arte Vivain mostra - Un volo... d'autore, i pittori della Carvana, Catania 2022) ;

Incolta Sapienza, oil on canvas, 50 x 70, 2018.

(Prize Eccellenza Europea delle Arti 2018 - PalazzoVelli, February/March 2019, Rome - Palazzo Gomis, sede della MEAM (MuseoEuropeo Arte Moderna), April 2019, Barcellona - Galleria Thuillier, June 2019,Parigi - L'Arte si Mostra, Palazzo Ferrajoli, May 2022, Rome - PaintingPersonal Exhibition "Emozioni tra forme e colori, Circolo Roma, GioiosaMarea, Messina - GigArte - Arte Viva in mostra - Un volo... d'autore, i pittoridella Carvana, Catania 2022 - Painting Personal Exhibition "Subconscio:Visioni dall'Io, Museo Leonardiano di Vinci, Firenze 2023)

Istinto Femminile, oilon canvas, 50 x 70, 2018

(Prize Eccellenza Europea delle Arti 2018 - PalazzoVelli, February/March 2019, Rome - Palazzo Gomis, sede della MEAM (MuseumEuropean Modern Art), April 2019, Barcelona - Galleria Thuillier, June 2019,Paris - International Prize Città di Budapest - Budapest 2019 - Art and Artistswith Plinio Perilli, Gold TV, June 2022, Rome - Painting Personal Exhibition"Emozioni tra forme e colori, Circolo Roma, Gioiosa Marea, Messina -GigArte - Arte Viva in mostra - La donna dal medioevo a oggi, Palazzo Baratta,Patti, Messina 2023 - Painting Personal Exhibition "Subconscio: Visionidall'Io, Museo Leonardiano di Vinci, Firenze 2023)

Incomprensione Umana, oil on canvas, 50 x 70, 2019

(Art Aperitif Trecastagni, CT, 2020 - Arte e Artisti with Plinio Perilli, Gold TV,June 2022, Rome - Painting Personal Exhibition "Emozioni tra forme ecolori, Circolo Roma, Gioiosa Marea, Messina - Arte Viva in mostra - PaintingPersonal Exhibition "Subconscio: Visioni dall'Io, Museo Leonardiano diVinci, Florence 2023)

Pregiudizio, oil on canvas, 50 x 70, 2019

(SinagrArt '22, Palazzo Salleo di Sinagra, Messina - NewYork City 2020 International Prize Catalogue - Arte Viva in exhibition) ;

Feeling Black, oil oncanvas, 50 x 50, 2019

(Art Aperitif, Trecastagni, CT, 2020 - M'Illumino d'Artepublication, pages ed. - Arte e Artisti with Plinio Perilli, Gold TV, June2022, Rome - Painting Personal Exhibition "Emozioni tra forme e colori,Circolo Roma, Gioiosa Marea, Messina - GigArte -Ottobre is dressed in yellow,Sinagra 2022 - Painting Personal Exhibition "Subconscio: Visioni dall'Io,Museum Leonardiano di Vinci, Florence 2023)

Persorsi, oil on canvas,60 x 80, 2020

(Catalogue InternationalPrize City of New York 2020 - Arte Viva in exhibition - Libere tematiched'arte, Painters of Carvana, G.A.M. of Catania 2023 - Painting PersonalExhibition "Subconscio: Visioni dall'Io, Museum Leonardiano di Vinci,Florence 2023)

Vittima di sé stesso, oil on canvas, 120 x 100, 2020

(New York artexpo, WhiteSpace Chelsea Gallery, New York - artnow Gallery - New York City InternationalAward, New York 2020 - M'illumino Art Publication, Pages ed.) ;

IInfinito Amore, oil oncanvas, 50 x 70, 2020

(100 thousand Poets forChange, Siragusa 2020).



Occhi dell'amore, oil oncardboard, 35 x 50, 2017

 (Cataldo’s Private Collection)

LR, oil on cardboard, 70x 50, 2018

 (GigArte- Painting Personal Exhibition "Subconscio: Visioni dall'Io, MuseumLeonardiano di Vinci, Florence 2023)

Marcos Vinicius, oil oncanvas, 70 x 50, 2019

 (PaintingPersonal Exhibition "Subconscio: Visioni dall'Io, Museum Leonardiano diVinci, Florence 2023)

Madonna, oil oncardboard, 50 x 70, 2019

 (PaintingPersonal Exhibition "Subconscio: Visioni dall'Io, Museum Leonardiano diVinci, Florence 2023)

Massimo Luca, oil on canvas, 70 x 50, 2019

 (GigArte -Painting Personal Exhibition "Subconscio: Visioni dall'Io, MuseumLeonardiano di Vinci, Florence 2023)

Adriano Celentano, oil on canvas, 70 x 50, 2020

 (Painting PersonalExhibition "Subconscio: Visioni dall'Io, Museum Leonardiano di Vinci,Florence 2023)

Anita Madaluni, acrylic on canvas, 70 x 50, 2020

 (Painting PersonalExhibition "Subconscio: Visioni dall'Io, Museum Leonardiano di Vinci,Florence 2023)

Laura Mollica, acrylic on canvas, 50 x 70, 2020

Angelina Jolie, oil oncanvas, 40 x 50, 2020

(Arte si mostra, Palazzo Ferrajoli, May 2022, Rome -Painting Personal Exhibition "Emozioni tra forme e colori", August2022, Circolo Roma, Gioiosa Marea, Messina - GigArte - Painting PersonalExhibition "Subconscio: Visioni dall'Io, Museum Leonardiano di Vinci,Florence 2023)

Passi di passione, oil on cardboard, 35 x 50, 2020

(Cicirello private collection) ;

Monica Bellucci, oil on canvas, 40 x 50, 2021

(Arte si mostra, Palazzo Ferrajoli, May 2022, Rome -Painting Personal Exhibition "Emozioni tra forme e colori", August2022, Circolo Roma, Gioiosa Marea, Messina - GigArte - Painting PersonalExhibition "Subconscio: Visioni dall'Io, Museum Leonardiano di Vinci,Florence 2023)

Origine della vita, oil on canvas, 40 x 40, 2021

(Cutugno Private Collection - October in yellow VIedition, Sinagra 2022 - Painting Personal Exhibition "Subconscio: Visionidall'Io, Museum Leonardiano di Vinci, Florence 2023)

Massimo di Cataldo, oil on cardboard, 50x70, 2021

  (PaintingPersonal Exhibition "Subconscio: Visioni dall'Io, Museum Leonardiano diVinci, Florence 2023)

Rino Gaetano, oil on canvas, 50x70, 2021

(Painting Personal Exhibition "Emozioni tra forme ecolori", August 2022 Circolo Roma, Gioiosa Marea, Messina - Liberetematiche d'Arte, I pittori della Carvana, G.A.M. di Catania 2023 - PaintingPersonal Exhibition "Subconscio: Visioni dall'Io, Museo Leonardiano diVinci, Firenze 2023)

Charlize Theron, oil oncanvas, 40x50, 2021

(Arte e Artisti with Plinio Perilli, Gold TV, Rome, June2022 - Painting Personal Exhibition "Emozioni tra forme e colori",August 2022, Circolo Roma, Gioiosa Marea, Messina - Painting PersonalExhibition "Subconscio: Visioni dall'Io, Museum Leonardiano di Vinci,Florence 2023)

Mine, oil on canvas, 40x50, 2021

(Painting Personal Exhibition "Emozioni tra forme ecolori", August 2022, Circolo Roma, Gioiosa Marea, Messina - Liberetematiche d'Arte, I pittori della Carvana, G.A.M. di Catania 2023 - PaintingPersonal Exhibition "Subconscio: Visioni dall'Io, Museum Leonardiano diVinci, Firenze 2023)

Gilda Buttà, oil oncanvas, 50x40, 2022

(Painting Personal Exhibition "Emozioni tra forme ecolori", August 2022, Circolo Roma, Gioiosa Marea, Messina - La donna dalmedioevo a oggi, Palazzo Baratta, Patti, Messina 2023 - Painting PersonalExhibition "Subconscio: Visioni dall'Io, Museum Leonardiano di Vinci,Florence 2023)

Enya, oil on canvas,50x40, 2022

 (SinagrArte 2023, SalleoPalace, Sinagra). 


Nega, oil on canvas, 50x 70, 2020.

(Le Nocturne del... 50,Art exhibition of various artists, Milazzo, Messina - Libere tematiche d'Arte,The painters of Carvana, G.A.M. Catania 2023 - Painting Personal Exhibition"Subconscio: Visioni dall'Io, Museum Leonardiano di Vinci, Florence 2023)

Miro e la Venere degli Animali, oil on panel, 40 x 60,2020

(Private Collection Proto) (Painting Personal Exhibition"Subconscio: Visioni dall'Io, Museum Leonardiano di Vinci, Florence 2023 -La donna dal medioevo a oggi, Palazzo Baratta, Patti, Messina 2023 - Liberetematiche d'Arte, I pittori della Carvana, G.A.M. di Catania 2023 - SinagrArt22, Palazzo Salleo di Sinagra, Messina - 27/28 August 2022, Pro Loco Sinagra -Art bestseller, Museo Bellini, Florence - 5 June / 12 June - Galleria IlCollezionista - Roma artexpo, Palazzo Velli, Rome - July 2021 - EA Effetto ArteGallery - Roma artexpo, Sala Fellini di Roma Eventi, Piazza di Spagna, Rome -July 2021 - EA Effetto Arte Gallery - International PrizeMichelangelo - June2021 - artnow - Pubblicazione Art Bestseller 2021, Galleria Il Collezionista -Diploma di merito Galleria il Collezionista - Pubblication M'illumino d'arte,Pagine ed. - Arte e Artisti with Plinio Perilli, Gold Tv, Rome, June 2022) ;

Rinunciazione, oil on canvas, 60 x 80, 2021

(Art bestseller, Museum Bellini, Florence - 5 June / 12June 2021 - Gallery Il Collezionista - Festival Cultura Identità, CasaleMonferrato June / July 2021 - artnow Gallery e Cultura Identità - Vita Nova,Palazzo Borghese, Florence July 2021, artnow Gallery - Publication ArtBestseller 2021, Gallery Il Collezionista - Diploma di merito Galleria ilCollezionista - Publication M'illumino d'arte 2021, Pagine ed. - InternationalPrize Michelangiolo - June 2021 - artnow Gallery - International Prize Dante Alighieri- July 2021 - Artnow e Cultura Identità - Painting Personal Exhibition"Emozioni tra forme e colori", August 2022, Circolo Roma, GioiosaMarea, Messina - Arte Viva in mostra - Pubblicazione artnow luglio/agosto 2022);

Dolore e Impotenza (Alfredino), oil on canvas, 60 x 80,2021

(International Prize Maestri a Milano 2022, publicationrivista artnow novembre/dicembre 2021 artnow ed. - publication M'illuminod'arte 2021, Pagine ed. - Arte e Artisti whit Plinio Perilli, Gold TV Roma,giugno 2022 - Painting Personal exhibition "Emozioni tra forme ecolori", August 2022, Circolo Roma, Gioiosa Marea, Messina - Liberetematiche d'arte, I pittori della Carvana, G.A.M. di Catania 2023 - PaintingPersonal Exhibition "Subconscio: Visioni dall'Io, Museum Leonardiano di Vinci,Firenze 2023)

Il Sogno (Peppino Impastato), oil on canvas, 70 x 50,2022

(SinagrArt '22 - International Prize Città di Barcellona,November 2022 - Contemporary Artist Prize on Carrousel du Louvre, October 2022- Libere tematiche d'Arte, I pittori della Carvana, G.A.M. di Catania 2023 -Personal Painting Exhibition "Subconscio: Visioni dall'Io, MuseumLeonardiano di Vinci, Florence 2023)

Greta, oil on canvas, 70x 50, 2023

(SinagrArte 2023, Salleo Palace, Sinagra).





IL Volo di Leonardo oil on panel, 60x40, 2023.

(Private Collection Comune di Vinci)


The Song of Love oil on panel,60x40, 2023.

(Currò Private Collection - ByStefano)


L'Onda del Cuore oil on board, 40x80, 2023.

(Puglia Private Collection)




Madonna del Soccorso, oil on panel, 30x30, 2021.

(Permanent exhibition crucifix museum of Caltagirone,Catania, Arte e Artisti with Plinio Perilli, Gold TV, Rome, June 2022).







