
Filippo Puglia


©2018 by Filippo Puglia

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Works in museums and galleries


Il volo di Leonardo, oil on the table, 60 x 40, 2023 - Palace of Municipaly - Vinci, Florence


Madonna del Soccorso, oil on the table, 30x30, 2021. International museum of Crucifix “Mons. Calogero Peri, Santuario del SS Crocifisso del Soccorso, Caltagirone, (Catania)


I Colori di Piraino, acrilyc on canvas, 50x70, 2019. Gallery Giorgio La Pira, Fiumara di Piraino (ME)



Arte Viva in mostra sul Web

Buio nell’anima, oil on canvas, 50x70, 2018 – Arte Viva in mostra, web

Incolta sapienza, oil on canvas, 50x70, 2018 – Arte Viva in mostra, web

Incomprensione Umana, oil on canvas, 50x70, 2019 – Arte Viva in mostra, web

Istinto Femminile, oil on canvas, 50x70, 2018 – Arte Viva in mostra, web

Percorsi, oil on canvas, 60x80, 2020 – Arte Viva in mostra, web

Pregiudizio, oil on canvas, 50x70, 2019 – Arte Viva in mostra, web

Vite Violate, oil on canvas, 50x70, 2018 – Arte Viva in mostra, web

Rinunciazione, oil on canvas, 60x80, 2021 – Arte Viva in mostra, web


GigArte in mostra sul Web

Vite Violate, oil on canvas, 50x70, 2018 – GigArte, web

Amore per gli Animali, oil on canvas, 40x50, 2017 – GigArte, web

L’Egizio, mixed  media  on canvas cardboard, 30x40, 2017 – GigArte, web

Incolta Sapienza, oil on canvas, 50x70, 2018 – GigArte, web

Istinto Femminile, oil on canvas, 50x70, 2018 – GigArte, web

Feeling Black, oil on canvas, 50x50, 2019 – GigArte, web

Amore di madre uccide sé stessa, mixed media on canvas, 30x40, 2016 – GigArte, web

LR, oil on canvas cardboard, 70x50, 2018 – GigArte, web

Monica Bellucci, oil on canvas, 40x50, 2021 – GigArte, web

Massimo Luca, oil on canvas, 70x50, 2019 – GigArte, web

Angelina Jolie, oil on canvas, 40x50, 2020 – GigArte, web





2023 - Subconscious: Visions from the Ego

2022 - Emotions between shapes and colors

2022 - Art from the world

2019 - San Giorgio in Festival


2023 - SinagrArte 2023

2023 - Women from the Middle Ages to today

2023 - Free art themes

2022 - A flight… by the Author

2022 - City of Barcelona Award, MEAM

2022 - Contemporary Artists at the Carrousel

2022 - October wears yellow

2022 - The Nocturnes of… the 50th

2022 - SinagrArt '22

2022 - Art shows itself

2022 - Masters in Milan

2021 - Identity Culture Festival

2021 - Vita Nova

2021 - Rome ArtExpo, Palazzo Velli

2021 - Art BestSeller

2021 - Rome ArtExpo, Fellini room

2020 - Art Aperitif

2020 - In Red

2020 - 100 thousand Poets for Change

2020 - New York City

2019 - Budapest ArtExpo

2019 - Mantua ArtExpo

2019 - European Excellence in the Arts - Rome

2019 - European Excellence in the Arts -


2019 - European Excellence in the Arts - Paris

2018 - Flanders Biennial

2018 - Venice ArtExpo


  2019 - Piraino


Leonardo's flight - Palazzo del Comune,

Vinci, Florence

Madonna del Soccorso - International Museum

of the Crucifix, Caltagirone, Catania

The colors of Piraino - Giorgio La Pira Gallery,

Piraino, Messina

Arte Viva on permanent exhibition - web

GigArte - web

Private Collections

Miro and the Venus of the Animals i - Proto

Origin of Life - Cutugno

Passion Steps - Cicirello

Eyes of Love - By Cataldo

Sgarbi collection

The Egyptian

Love for Animals