
Filippo Puglia


©2018 by Filippo Puglia

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The crisis of society


The thirdmillennium is the historical period that my civil society is going through. Itis a great period, in which everything is possible thanks to the new industrialand technological revolution that has provided us with cutting-edgecommunication tools, with which we can converse with the other side of theworld, to be able to show the whole world their intellectual and artisticabilities, to be able to be informed of everything, to be able to know people,with whom they can confront and grow.

However,these means are often used improperly, that is, to play or meet virtually as ifthe net were a square, at the expense of human relations and with a seriousloss of socialization.

They aretechnological means used for a social life now virtual.

Contact,mimicry, body language, tone of voice, in virtual life are absent.






Contemporary Architecture





  3rd Anna Rita Sidoti Memorial

Gioiosa Book Festival 2019

The first One Hundred Years of Carmela Natoli

70th Murgo Carnival

National Race Walking Championship

Gioiosa Book Festival 2018

Italian Pub Festival


Coasts in motion

Exibart Street

Itinerarte: A village to discover

Patti and surroundings

Let's look 2 - between past and present

5 shots for Rock and Robinson

Let's look - Joyful Guard


Competitions and Awards


The Devastating Wave

Decadentism between technology and knowledge


The crisisof civil society in the third millennium, however, depends not only on socialnetworks, but also on politics, the education given by politicians and afailing economic system.

Today,unfortunately, we live in a historical period in which the economic andpolitical crisis is inflicting a hard blow on the peoples of all the states ofthe earth. The failure of the policy is obvious and perhaps irrecoverable.

Largeindustrialists and large economic operators are negatively influencing thevirtual international market, and defenseless politicians are facing analarming situation for their own personal gain and that of large managers.

All this isdirected against the people and their workers, who as always will try to solvethe problems of the powerful of the earth.

All thischaos affects the psyche of the common man, thus causing the crisis of society.


It is analarming situation, in which some politicians or men of political and economicpower take over for their convenience. In practice, they try to destroy culturewith economic cuts so as to keep the people in ignorance. A necessary conditionfor the powerful in charge to be able to make their own interests.

Today’scivil society is dormant and does not notice certain subterfuges devisedprecisely against it, enchanted by the fact that it can get the work necessaryfor its survival.

The signsof the crisis of society are very clear for all who have eyes to look andobserve.

We all feelwe own the world.

We driveour means of transport as if we were the only existing individuals, that is,disrespecting our neighbour. At the wheel we are arrogant, we respect neitherprecedence nor stop. We drive either too hard, causing danger, or too slow,also causing hindrance in addition to the danger itself. We pretend to parkanywhere, in a double row or even in the middle of the road. We no longer walkand to go to any local, supermarket or public office, we take the car even whenthese are within walking distance from home. We park our vehicles in front ofthe entrances of the premises and maybe we get angry de we are filmed, evensaying: "if it bothered you, you could say it" or "we areworkers and we must work".


We arearrogant in every situation and also disrespectful to others. We claim to takeprecedence always and in any case. Driving, when we have our busy lane, wepretend to pass first. We do not have the patience to wait for our turn. In anysituation, both in public offices and on the premises, we always try to takeprecedence.


We feel themasters of the world and we live in absolute anarchy.

We needlaws that govern our daily lives and also employees to enforce them.

We all havethe same motto: "make the law and find deception". There is only onegod: money. You live only in function of it.

There is nocommon good, but only money; only by having this means of exchange one believeshe is someone and counts for something.

But thereis a very important saying: "money makes man rich (of material andinsignificant things) education makes him lord". I wanted to add aparenthesis concerning material things, since money and property are onlymaterial riches. Culture, education, respect, knowing how to recognize thevalues of life represent the real riches of the spirit, body and mind.


An economiccrisis like the one we are going through can cause serious damage to the manrich only in material things.

Culture,together with respect and love, represents the way to the new renaissance. Acultured society can represent, at the same time, a danger for the powerful ofthe earth.

The crisisof society is not a new theme, because history has given us a period similar toours. Between the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of thetwentieth century the first industrial revolution took place, in a short timewere born railways, industries, new housing types and with them the beginningof the crisis of the society of that time.

il passaggio si riflette sulla vita.jpeg

The greatmasters of culture, exalting their own ego, almost set themselves aside leavingto others the solutions of the problem. It was the period of decadent poets, ofcursed poets, but it was culture that found the way of the Renaissance withFuturism, with Cubism, with Art Nouveau or Art Nouveau style.

All peoplesmust wake up; the men who guard knowledge and the artists must wake up to showthe way. Anyone can lend a hand for the sake of the common good cannot remainhelpless and hidden, leaving to others the task of solving everyone’s problems.Everyone must move and guarantee respect for others and culture.

Unfortunately,we embarked on a dead end, we fell into a vortex, we entered a dark tunnel;coming out of it is difficult but not impossible.


Societymust wake up and take back the reins of its destiny, because politics hasfailed. The politician does not know the common good and works only for his ownbenefit. The politician thinks he belongs to a privileged class, just becausewe give him this importance. The political man has the task of administeringthe common good of his people; he is at the service of the people and not viceversa.

Thepolitician who cannot guarantee and administer the common good has failed inhis task and must step aside, leaving room for those who are most capable andworthy.

We do notneed grand revolutions, but rebellion by claiming our rights, trying to beproductive in every area of daily life.

Arroganceserves no purpose, while respect and culture are useful elements for the commongood.

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